понедельник, 14 сентября 2009 г.

I'm just a patsy or Charity sucks big time

I got involved into a charity organization aiming to help the children of the constructor workers who live on campus of my university. Argrhh...Another longgggg "ahem...sure, let's do it" story.
Some time ago I encountered the girl at my school who is kinda 'social aware' (not sure that something like that exists in the English language, but well, you got my point, didn't you? - she CARES). Since I'd been knowing her for a good while and she speaks my language I was supposed to be friendly with her.
Anyways... She told me about the photo exhibition they are gonna hold next month and asked me whether I want to take part in it. Gr8! My ego spoke out of me(or am I was just speaking out of my ass?...donno) : SAA 'hipsters' rot in your 'intellectual hub of India'! I m moving on.
I was pretty sure it's gonna be a single-mission flight - go-shoot-get famous sort of thingy. Didn't happen.
This Saturday I had been invited to their 'office' to meet children. Jesus! I spent Saturday evening with children! They made me watch Maugli (in Hindi, that's even worse) and distribute cookies among the kids. Well, it's another story... There are 7 things in the world I hate the most. 'Children' and 'charity' occupy the top of my chart... Okaaay-okaay! I haven't figured out yet the other 5, but it was a cool way to say it, wasn't it? Anyway.
When they finished their charity-activities, I was about to sneak away, but missed a chance and had to stay back for the Meeting. To make the long (and sad) story short, now I am a volunteer (well, it's not like I REALLY volunteered, but...) crafts teacher every Saturdays. Damn it!
Moreover this (awesome) Sunday evening I had to spend playing football with little beasts...God's creatures, I meant to say. Well, to be precise, I spent the Sunday evening (that could have been awesome and languishing) looking for a soccer ball, coz people from chaity organization didn't care much to get one BEFORE the footBALL match.
I was about to write a passage on how DO they care about all those Samaritan issues they proclaim, but don't wanna give a shit. It's too pathetic. 'Oh, that charity thing will look nice on my CV for UNO'. 'uck it! But to be honest they do something, at least the vaccination. (however I guess, it's not gonna work for the people who poop in front of their houses).
Anyway, I am still taking part in the exhibition. And I am not smelling of roses eventually...

4 комментария:

Olya комментирует...

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"I hate children and charity"
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Оно выйдет нам боком!

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Neina комментирует...

hmmm...eto ti ostavila komment i udalila?

Olya комментирует...

да, вот и думай теперь, кто его оставил