понедельник, 29 марта 2010 г.


I've just read about the bomb blasts in Moscow subway. I didn't expect it to touch me so much. My usual reaction is 'Oh, Jesus...poor people', and I think it is normal, one cannot be super compassionate having an access to the Internet - 134 civilians died in Iraq, a earthquake/tornado/bomb blast/rail accident took lives of 3/63/297 people, a village in Somali commited a mass suicide...gosh, who cares? (for more than 5 minutes).
Since 1 and a half years I've been living a life separated from the real world by the thick glass of the expat status...it's like I've been watching a reality show - whatever happens looks real but doesn't concern me,- it's not my city, and they are not my people. But thise dry and stiff news reports from Moscow, the photos and videos of eyewitnesses almost brought me to tears.
One of the bombs exploded just near by my college.

Hmmm. I was about to edit my misty-eyed post now. But let it remain untouched.

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